Monday, July 7, 2008


575 people registered for this 400 mile bike ride along the Erie Canal.  They started in Buffalo and spent their first night in Medina.  This morning, at 8 o'clock, the Walk! Bike! Brockport Action Group had an awning set up near the Main Street bridge and provided cold water to all those who needed a drink as they passed through our village.  The youngest participant (in a tag along) is 2 years old and the oldest, Dan Benedict of Marbletown (near Newark, NY) is 85! The average age is 50, and it is an eight day trip. I spoke to participants from, Virginia, New Hampshire, Tennessee, Washington state, Brockport and.......  Many were participating for the first time, tho it is the 10th anniversary for this event.  All loved being near the Erie Canal, and were very impressed with the warm hospitality.  East of here, kids were out on a dock next to the path selling blue berries and lemonade. Whenever someone made a purchase, they would ring a loud bell.  Great spirit!  What a great way to meet people from all over the country.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time! I hope when my little ones are grown I can be involved in stuff like this. For now I'll settle for nights like tonight...5 1/2 hours of football/driving about/baseball. What an evening!


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