Thursday, June 5, 2008


Yellow roses...A warm front has moved in and we will be near 90 and humid for days.  Oh well...

1 comment:

  1. I love yellow roses. I love all roses. My mother usually has two bushes that she never prunes, but they always bloom late into the season (late like December in some years) It's quite odd.

    Your friends are anthropologists who live in the middle of an apple orchard? I swear, you are right out of a Charles de Lint novel. Are you acquainted with any wood elves?

    I had to ask my horsey friend at work to explain alfalfa cubes to me!

    Here in PA, it was 86. The mist burned off about noon, and the sun set gently. The weekend will be steamy.

    Thanks for the compliment on the poem!


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