Saturday, June 7, 2008


It was so hot today I knuckled under and set up the hot tub as a cool tub.  Threw some 55 gallon drums into the back of Gar's truck and went down to the Town Garage to get some water.  After I filled them up...used the hose to water the gardens in front of the building...just another little community service to help out Kathy (who was ready to do it with a watering can).  She is the Dog Catcher for the Town and was there to adopt out a sweet little dog that was being abused by it's previous owner.  The new home for this puppy will sure be a lot better than getting KICKED around.  The farm and field are across from the Highway Dept. building.  Nice view!  I'll bet you were really interested in all these little side bars...

1 comment:

  1. I, for one, love these little side bars! Your life is country poetry, and it is set in a place so poignant that I can hardly believe it. You watered the lawn to help out the town dog-catcher? You should write memoirs!

    Why are you building a cabin?


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