Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I've raved about the Director of the Sweden Senior Singers before, but once again I have to say that she has taken a group of people who range from their mid sixties to almost 90!!!! from nowhere to somewhere.  Of course there is a lot of room for improvement, but who would guess that these 45 people could grow so much over the course of 8 or 9 months.  Something happened in the last week that has brought us together in a new way.  It's like someone has filled us with power.  I think we are finally getting it and have a little more control in how we perform the music...maybe we are starting to look at the Director...Guess we will have to give up those books so we can do it all the time.
PS    The dog is Samson...he really wanted to be part of the picnic today....


  1. hi thank v.much you for replay in my blog
    I am studieing nursing in jordan University of science & technology & try to learn japanese language
    waw horses is v.beautiful
    sory for late and maybe I cant speak english good sory for that too


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