Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Jenny is having work done in her kitchen, so we picked up Ice after choir practice.  Could not resist taking the dogs for a walk in the mud out back....I just love washing off their feet afterwards.  The water in the ditches has gone down over a foot, but the geese still have huge ponds in the corn fields for swimming. I'd say they are using 25 or 30 acres.  Ice enjoyed getting hundreds of them to fly away as he ran wildly from one field to the other...Phoebe and Josh just watched.  As you can see, the pastures are starting to dry out and the horses think they are eating "something."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lori,
    The snow is melting fast here too, and patches of green grass are just starting to come through.
    We seem to be living in a very similar climate.


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