Thursday, March 20, 2008


When you live on a farm and have animals, your life is different from your friends.  If you are sick, tired, on crutches or just plain busy, your charges have to be taken care of.  It can be cold and dark, raining or snowing, and you still pull on your boots and go out the door (when it is hot and muggy, I have been known to go to the barn in a swimming suit and good foot gear). There is something beautiful about entering a barn and turning the lights on.  The horses snicker to me (pawing if I am not fast enough).  Regardless of the frigid temperatures, there is something cozy about it.  I have done this everyday for over 26 years, maybe left the property overnight 25 times.  There is no such thing as sleeping in.  It is a huge responsibility and you have to love it or it can be torture...very difficult to trust someone else (other than our daughter, Jenny) to do the job right.  Currently I am caring for 7 horses, 2 dogs and 1 cat.  Retirement has changed the scenario, as I can manage my time any way I want more rushing.  During holidays or dinner parties, I like to finish all the outside work first, which leads to eating a little later.  There are days when it starts to pour and I have to leave my art class to go put the horses in.  These creatures have a hold on me that I take very seriously.  The good news is that they give so much back.....

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that!!! I have miniature horses, 27 of them, and I have to feed them twice a day no matter what!!!
    Enjoyed reading your blog...mine is at:
    Now I shall go back and read more.


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