Saturday, February 22, 2025

What a Difference a Day Makes.....24 little hours

Sunshine is such an upper!
I was totally thrilled not to have to shovel snow this morning.

It's going to be above freezing for a week and these huge piles should disappear.
It was very windy.

Late morning I went to Wegmans and picked up a few things.  Did some laundry and took it easy part of the afternoon.  My buddies were very relaxed.

I got in a great nap this afternoon and when I woke up, wondered if it was tomorrow.  Must have been sound asleep.  The fire is like a sleeping pill for me and puts me in a very relaxed zone.
Chores at 5:30.  Still light.  We change the clocks on March 9th.....that's soon!
The barn was much warmer tonight.  Around 30.

Old Seymour actually came out to the barn.
After tucking the boys in I cleaned out the water trough as I want to fill it tomorrow morning.  Not my favorite winter job.
I was actually able to ride my trike tonight.

Burgers with caramelized onions and Mac salad for a simple dinner..
Seymour and Sidney are 15 years old now.  Sid is doing very well and Seymour has had cancer in his ear.  He keeps on keeping on! I'm sure both of them are looking forward to warmer weather and being outside most of the time.
Night all.


  1. I love how you take good care of your kitties. They need humans to shelter and feed them in winter so thank you for giving them a warm safe home. I miss having a cat and don’t see myself getting another one so I enjoy your pictures. It’s so hard to see them age. Kathy

  2. That is a lot of snow. We expect our 5 inches to disappear this week with warm weather and rain. It will get muddy!


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