Friday, January 10, 2025

What a Difference A Day Makes!!!

We only reached the mid 20s but with the windchill index from yesterday we were almost 25 degrees warmer.  And there was no wind all day long!

Today I did not have to worry about Rebel and Buddy and they could stay outside until evening chores.  A nice break from the past three days.
Sidney was in his south window on top of the stacked hay and near his fluffy bed.  No way can I get at those cobwebs.  A perfect spot for him.

Little Wonder did not mind being with me since it was so much warmer.

The boys were back out in the pasture trying to find grass.
I woke up way too early and had to let LW go outside (4am).  Ended up staying in the kitchen snuggled up to my heating pad and went back to sleep. (Before going out at 8).

Hey Al!  You brought the most excitement to our lives this morning when you stopped up with your wood scraps after carving all those birds! Nice to catch up!
  Not in a cooking mood.  Chores at 5.  It's getting lighter and lighter.

Tucked in the boys.  So glad I did not have to reset their stalls today. 
I keep getting these Northern Lights colors in the sky just before going back to the house.  Our barn light puts out that green look, but in person it's an icy blue.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate having a fire.
Gary made us scrambled eggs and toast for dinner..... fine with me.
Night all.
Felon 47!  It's official!  Now I have to look up all the things felons are not allowed to do.
Is there a little glimmer of hope for our country????



  1. Obviously being president is not one of the things felons cannot do. And it wouldn't matter if it were.
    My favorite little fella right at the top of the blog. Love it! We are in the 20's for a couple of days. We did get some snow. Yippee!

  2. Hope it's "Felons cannot hold any public office for life. No way, no how, un-uh."


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