Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Slight Burst of Energy

This was the coldest morning so far.  -1 felt like -11.  Once again, we were fortunate to have sunshine all day long.  Friends in Kentucky, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Florida all had snow.

Little Wonder knew it was cold outside but he chose to join me in the barn.

We took it easy for a short time in the house.  Seymour was sacked.
Then, I made some ham salad and decided to change the furniture around in the kitchen.  My hibiscus plants were taking up too much room so I trimmed them back and set the room up the way it was.  Not so crowded now.  After that, I sat down for lunch and then started roasting a chicken for dinner.  Have no clue what got into me.  At 2:30 I went out and gave the boys more hay.  Then, I called one of my hay guys and ordered 50 more bales to be delivered in the next few weeks.  Also did a load of laundry.

Gary went to Greece to have the oil changed in the Subaru and I fell asleep by the fire.

Chores at 5.  Very quiet and we did not have much wind all day.  What a difference.

Dinner was plain, but delicious.
Night all.

Today I was able to have a very long conversation with a well educated friend, about the current state of affairs.  He's a Trumpie and it was quite a discussion.  We can still be friends, but boy, our opinions were totally opposite.  I can see why relationships change over this.  It's so hard for me to excuse all of the things T has done and I can't understand how people with principles can pretend (maybe they really don't care) that all that stuff doesn't matter.



  1. Snow in New Orleans, too! Imagine the delight of all the kid who got an unusual Snow Day!!
    Stay warm!


  2. I too talked to a friend who voted for him and has hopes T will do what he said he would but added she’s now doubtful. I told her weak people have to believe in something and he’s the one shouting loud on his platforms. She was not impressed he didn’t recognize his predecessor at the swearing in and ignored them. She felt that showed he’s not a genuine president. I told her too late!

  3. When grocery prices rise dramatically and you cannot get fresh veggies or fruits because there is no one to pick them...when it hits pocket books, the song and dance may change.
    I cannot have a conversation with a T voter about any of this period. I avoid that discussion and will walk away.
    The DEI hires? How many wore veterans? Or did he forget that?
    Hate? Not Kindness? What have we come to?

  4. Greece is a long way to go for an oil change. 😀 I'm likely overstepping, here's the but, your friend may be intelligent but the critical thinking part of that is broken or never was there in the first place.


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