Thursday, August 31, 2023

A Perfect Night to End Summer Serenades

Can't complain about the weather.  It was very cloudy before I went to bed last night and this is the best photo I could get of the blue moon.

Nice and crispy for morning chores.

After the stalls were cleaned I spent some time trimming branches off the tree next to the grooming room.

Here are some photos of the reason Gary went to Jamestown yesterday. This wedding band belonged to his grandmother and was found by the people who bought her house many years ago (it was in one of the gardens and was discovered in 1976). Anna was married in 1907 and somewhere along the line she lost the ring.  The ring has been sitting in a dish at the home for decades and they decided to try and trace any family member that should have the ring.  This is what Gary had to say about his day.

Arrived home from Jamestown at 8:15pm this evening..….record time it appears since I left the Jamestown City limits at 6:15pm.
Gave mom the ring….neat that it is inscribed “EA to AA 3/21/07”.  Emil Anderson to Anna Anderson…..116 years plus.  What a find.  Spent over one and a half hours chatting with the finders, Donna and Chuck Painter.  Here is another interesting tidbit….Chuck and I share the same birthday Sept. 28 and birth year, 1943.  We also attended same elementary school, Lillian Dickson, Washington Junior High and High School.   Who would have “thunk it”.
I checked out the garden area where ring was found on the east side of the house.  And of course remembered the wonderful flower gardens in back and side yard which she tended daily.  Also have real estate history of the house.  All the information was gathered by the Fenton Museum genealogical research department.  I left them a  donation for their hard and successful work and the person who did most of the search wanted a picture of she and me holding the ring to use in their newsletter.  Just a fab day.  Mike and Barb were with at the museum and Mike took the pic, then we went to lunch at Ecklof Bakery.   Of course had to bring home almond and pecan braids plus Swedish Wasa bread (hard tack), and a Korv burger.

As per usual, my Thursday afternoon was spent playing bridge at the library.
At 4:30 I drove Gary to Brockport.  First we let Buster out for a stretch, then loaded 16 chairs into the car (from the lift Bridge Book Store).  The Rochester Metropolitan Jazz Band was on tap.  Little Wonder loved going for the ride and Buster liked his company.
Got home around 5:30 and went out for chores a little before 7.

Got down to the Welcome Center for the last half of the concert.  Perfect weather and a big crowd.

These little mules are for sale at the Welcome Center as a fundraiser.  I think I need to get one!

All done by 8:15 and it was dark by then.
Night all.


Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Another nice cool day.

This is what it looked like last night at 9:45.  Let's see what a blue moon looks like later.

I went out to do chores as usual and Gary left for Jamestown (where he was born) for an adventure I will tell you about tomorrow.

After I finished cleaning stalls I reset the hay storage stall then went over to the Studio to get ready for our rehearsal this afternoon.

While I was waiting for them to arrive, Little Wonder and I took it easy.

Once again he listened to our entire session.
A couple of new songs....just remember, it takes awhile for us to figure them out. I played the bass on 3 or 4 songs!  I think I can do it if I am not singing.  So much FUN!
Gary called on his way home....Little Wonder and I had dinner (as he's not getting here for awhile).
The sky was very interesting when I went out for evening chores.

Tucked the boys in and now I am off duty.
Night all.