Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pot Luck

 Gary has worked hard to get all the gardens in shape.

 We got out to the barn around 7:30 and the temperature 
was cooler than it has been the past few days.

 I had a burst of energy and made a pot of chicken soup as well as meatballs in sauce
to take to a pot luck dinner at Lauren L.s home tonight.
 I actually started listening to a new audio book this afternoon and will have to 
go back over several chapters as I kept falling asleep.
Evening chore duty tonight.  The barn was pretty comfortable.
Berlin came in first....
 then Angel and Maggie responded to my whistle.

 At 6:30 we arrived at Lauren's, had dinner and then 
 played some music for the neighborhood.

 A very nice evening.  Thank you for hosting Lauren.
I must say, that it is not easy to hear each other when there are 
no mics or amps for our instruments.
Home by 9:15.

Night all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

From Zambistro to the Shirt Factory.....

We started the day with some rain.
We needed it.

 Class at 10:30.

 For the second time, we chose to go to Zambistro for our anniversary (which was yesterday) dinner.
But we chose to have a late lunch instead.

 Ordered the works.
Minestrone soup with tiny meatballs for a starter.
The best I have ever had.
 Then a salad with the house dressing (strawberry vinaigrette with crumbly blu).
After that...lunch steak and fries (mine were sweet potato 
 and Gary's were parmesan).  We did not know field greens were included, so
we ended up with 2 salads.
 Everything was absolutely perfect and we will continue to make this a tradition.
 You can count on top shelf food and service.
 They painted the Art Studio across the street....beautiful.
We need to get a group of our friends to go to Zambistro one of these days.
The best restaurant in this area.
 From there, we drove over to the Shirt Factory.
 Alix and Scott were not there (in DC enjoying themselves)
 but we wanted to check out their new patio.
 They have turned this into such an inviting, comfortable place.

Scott is a mixologist and these are some of his creations.

This is just part of their menu....and they have splendiferous desserts.

 Gary grabbed a cup of coffee, then we drove over to Forrestel Farm to see what was going on.
The Rebel was way out in the pasture with his herd.

We got home about 3:30 and did nothing until I went to a
7pm meeting.  No more pictures.
A very nice day.
No need for supper.

Night all.