Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Time To Clean House...

 Phoebe had to be taken to the Animal Hospital today.
She continues to be very itchy and I hope this latest plan works.
Today I washed all of her beds, pillows and chair covers
and vacuumed the entire house.
 Leftovers for dinner...love these simple meals.
Tonight was spent at the Town Hall and our workshop lasted from 7-9:30.
It was a good one.
Tomorrow I am going to a workshop about "Zombie" houses.  Do you 
have many where you live?  The banks that have repossessed them
sure do not seem to care about the impact they have on all kinds 
of neighborhoods.  One of the TV stations was in Brockport today
after receiving complaints from neighbors who want more to be done.
The banks just don't give a rip.
Night all.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Much Better!

That's what I'm talkin' about!
 Not too  hot and not too muggy.
 Last fall, my friend Tina gave me some plants to keep inside during the winter.  I put several of them on the back porch a few days ago and this morning a beautiful blossom had errupted.
 After chores I mowed the grass around the outdoor arena and dragged it.  Then I drove the lawn tractor out back to check on the house being built.  The pond to the East had water in it and
 I'm liking the cupolas  on the house and garage.
 There will be tons of windows in the back of the house.
 It's really quite something!
 Below, is the view they have of our property.

 See how close their driveway is to our fence?

 Other than the iris, these are the only flowers in bloom at the moment.

 Gary worked until 2:30 and when he got home he planted some spinach and romaine lettuce.
One year ago today, we were eating our own spinach and strawberries.  No such luck at this time.  We are so behind.  Ironically there was one volunteer spinach plant next to the garlic and I was able to pick enough for one salad.

 Dinner....sloppy joes and
 sweet potato salad.

 I went out to do chores a little before 7.
The bugs were bad.  It's like this frequently in the evening and the girls can't wait to go in.

Night all.

Sunday, May 29, 2016